About Us

AxeKnows.com was founded at the start of 2023 to provide guidance related to axes from camping and survival to sports and recreation. We think the axe serves a larger function than just a tool – it represents human ingenuity and perseverance, as well as a crucial element of our evolution as a species.

We as Professional Axe Throwers are passionate about this exciting axe-throwing game and are dedicated to bringing you the tips and techniques to help you enhance your skills and become an axe-throwing pro.

In addition to providing you with axe throwing skills, our goal is to also provide you with information about the different types of axes and criteria for choosing the axe, as well as tips and tricks for maintaining them for durable use.

Additionally, AxeKnows.com also aims to provide you with information regarding the safety precautions that need to be followed during gameplay for good health and safety. 

There is something for everyone on AxeKnowns.com, whether you are a professional who is seeking information for years or a beginner who would like to learn more.

Explore AxeKnows.com and discover the different uses of axes. Whether you are looking to enhance your axe throwing, camping, or even survival skills we have included everything you need to know!

Our Team