How to Replace an Axe Handle? Easy to Follow Steps

Taking care of your axe-throwing equipment is necessary to extend its life. Over time and after long-term use, your axe might start wearing and tearing. Blades are made up of steel or iron and typically last more than the handle. It is the handle that needs replacing and maintenance from time to time.

A handle in good condition will help your axe to perform better and ultimately enhance your game performance. How to replace an axe handle if it is not in good shape? All you need to do is remove the previous handle and fit the new one. However, the process is tricky if you do it for the first time. 

Let’s go through a straightforward process of replacing the old axe handle with the new one to give that axe a new life and power to work.

How to Replace a Wooden Axe Handle?

First, you will need certain tools and equipment to help you replace the axe handle. Note down the list: Replacement axe handle, Hammer, Vice or clamps, Drill, Drill bits, Chisel, Sandpaper or file, Wood glue, Linseed oil or varnish, Rag or brush. Once you have secured all the materials, let’s dive into the replacement process.

1 – Remove the Old Handle

During this step, you must be extremely careful; place the axe head securely in a vice and make it firm with the help of clamps so it doesn’t move. Use a hammer and strike carefully to dislodge the handle top from the axe head. Keep on the striking action carefully until the handle is entirely removed. 

2 – Prepare Axe Head

Before replacing a new handle, checking the axe head for any metal damage is essential. It could be scratches, lost bits, or even tucks in the blade’s edge. To overcome this, use a filler or sandpaper; it will sharpen and even out the surface. You can also check how to sharpen a throwing axe.

3 – Prepare the Replacement Handle

Now, how to handle a throwing axe. The new handle must be the same size and shape as the old one. Measure the length of the old handle and mark the same length on the replacement handle. 

Use a chisel or a saw to trim the new handle and customize it according to the previous one. If the handle differs in size or shape, it won’t fit and comes off easily.

4 – Drill Holes in New Handle

Use a drill to make holes in the new handle. Place the hold on the table and fix it with a clip. Then, drill the holes in the handle that aligns with the head of an axe; you use a marker to mark them. Ensure your drilled holes are deep enough to accommodate the axe head securely.

5 – Attaching the Axe Head

Wood glue is used to keep wood parts in place; apply a generous amount of wood glue to the holes of the replacement handle. Then, insert the axe head into the drilled holes, ensuring it is aligned correctly. 

After the adjustment, you will see some glue seeping out; remove it with the help of a cloth. During this step, if the alignment of an axe head with the handle is compromised, it will affect the performance of the axe.

6 – Secure the Axe Head

While the glue is still wet, to ensure that the axe head won’t fall off, use the clamps or hook for security. Allow proper time for the glue to dry according to the instructions provided with the wood glue.

7 – Shape and Finishing

After adequately drying the glue, remove the axe head and handle assembly from the vice or clamps. You can use a chisel or sandpaper to shape the handle to your desired grip and remove the roughness from the surface.

8 – Protective Finish

It is important to save your replacement, so apply linseed oil or varnish to the handle to protect it from moisture and improve its gripping quality. Usually, a rag or brush is used to spread the oil evenly along the entire surface of the handle. 

Allow the protective finishing layer to dry out before you use the axe. Now, you are all set with your knowledge of how to replace a wooden axe handle.

PerspectiveAdvantages of Axe Handle ReplacementDisadvantages of Not Replacing
SafetyImprovement in safety, secure attachmentSafety hazards, risk of accidents
EfficiencyEnhancement in control, efficient choppingReduction in effectiveness, inefficient cuts
DurabilityIncreased tool lifespanReduced tool lifespan, further damage
ComfortMinimization in vibrations, reduced fatiguePlay a role in user fatigue, discomfort
CustomizationPersonalized fit for comfortLack of customization, inefficiency
How to Replace an Axe Handle – Step by Step Complete Video Guide

Precautions to Follow

It might seem an easy process to carry out, but there is some precaution you need to take because the axe head is sharp and can be dangerous to work with. 

  • Use plastic gloves to keep your hands safe from getting injured from the sharp edge of the axe head.
  • While hammering the head off, ensure that the axe is secured. Due to wriggling, it can cause damage to the surface or your hand.
  • It is advised to use high-quality wood glue; the axe faces harsh conditions during use. If the glue is quality, it might maintain strength when in contact with water.


Let’s close the discussion on how to replace an axe handle. Gather all the tools you need for the process, remove the old handle from the axe, and resize the new handle according to the previous one. 

Drill holes in the new handle carefully, and use glue to secure the handle and axe head. Remember to give the final touches and remove any uneven surfaces due to dust and debris accumulation.

In your opinion, which handles for axe throwing are best and enhance your skills? 


Yes, replacing an axe handle is easy and less time-consuming than you think. All you have to do is strike off the previous handle, pick a new one of the same size, make holes and attach it to the axe head.

If there are minor damages on the surface of the axe handle, then use wood fillers to even it out but if there are cracks and tears on the surface, replace the handle.

You can use a hammer and mallet to strike the handle. Use precise and counted low strikes until the handle comes off.

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