Is Axe Throwing Hard? 4 Basic Challenges & How To Overcome

Axe throwing is a sport that requires strong skills, technique, and mental focus. It can seem to be harder for beginners, considering the weight and controlling the trajectory of the axe. They also struggle on achieving accuracy.

Experienced axe throwers, on the other hand, enjoy the game with a better trajectory and accuracy. The reason is, they mastered axe throwing. Obviously, any game improves if it is played consistently within the defined rules.

As an experienced axe thrower, I have covered each aspect of ‘is axe throwing hard?’, as well as how to overcome it in order to become good at axe throwing.

Basic Challenges And Overcoming Strategy

There are some common challenges beginners or even experienced throwers can face that must be addressed to become good axe throwers. Some of them include:

Not Warming Up

One of the common mistakes, throwers make is not warming up before the game. Getting your muscles warmed up before the game will help you achieve better release results and deliver more accurate throws.

Standing Challenge

Beginners make the major mistake to stand too close to the target board. This may result in an injury if the axe doesn’t stick to the target board and bounces back.

Read More: Is axe throwing dangerous?

A shorter distance from the board prevents the axe to make a rotation, which then doesn’t stick to the target. Always make sure you’re using the standard distance from the board, which is approximately 12 feet.

Axe Gripping

A common problem is that people do not grip the axe properly when they throw it, which changes the direction of the axe when it is thrown. The axe should not be gripped too tightly since this will result in issues with the release of the axe and could change the trajectory of an axe.

When it comes to axe throwing, the axes that are used, are specifically designed for this purpose, therefore they don’t need the entire force of the body in order to reach the target board. A simple jerk of the wrist while releasing would be all that was necessary to get the axe to stick to the target board.

Axe Release

Another issue throwers face is not realizing the axe at the right time. Throwing the axe too quickly or too late, will change the direction and you will miss the target. Always make sure to release the axe, when your hands are at the same height as the board and straight to the target you aimed for.

Additionally, as mentioned previously, do not use shoulder force while releasing. Simply guide the axe towards the target board with a wrist jerk. 

Understanding The Target Board And The Axe

To improve the accuracy of the throw it is essential that the axe must stick to the target board. Without understanding the axe and target board you’re dealing with can make it difficult for the axe to stick on target.

If you’re dealing with a harder target board such as one made up of Pruce wood, it is so brutal and you will need to have a sharp axe to make stick to the board.

Lack Of Consistency

Oftentimes, beginners make the mistake of taking axe throwing easy and don’t practice as consistently as they should in order to improve. The key to success in any kind of game is to practice consistently.

Axe throwing is a little different than other traditional games, it requires mental focus to achieve better accuracy. This cannot be achieved within a day or two, even the pro-axe throwers practice to learn the new technique.

Not Adjusting For Wind

If you’re practicing axe throwing outdoors, the major issue that you could face is Wind. You might have a better technique and a release point but a little heavier wind can change the direction of the axe a little, which then will result in missing the target completely.

Mental And Emotional Aspects

To be a successful axe thrower, you need to possess a combination of physical strength, and mental focus, in addition to being emotionally strong. Following are some of the mental and emotional aspects that need to be considered.

  • Confidence: Among the most important characteristics of a successful axe thrower is confidence in yourself and in your abilities. It is important to be confident in your ability to hit your target.
  • Patience: Axe throwing could not be mastered within a few days or after a couple of games. It requires consistent practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results quickly. Be patient, learn from your mistakes, and keep learning the technique.
  • Mental Stamina: Axe throwing demands mental concentration, thus it is important to keep yourself positive and stay focused. Positive self-talk can boost your confidence and overcome any negative thoughts.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Good hand-eye coordination is compulsory to achieve better accuracy. Practice will help you to develop greater coordination between your eyes and hands. 
  • Mental Visualization: Imagine yourself throwing the axe at the bullseye accurately. This visualization technique is so powerful and it builds confidence which helps you to throw perfectly while playing. 
  • Enjoyment: The key to success in axe throwing is to enjoy the activity. Do not let your attention be drawn to the outcome, but rather focus on the entire process and enjoy it.
  • Mindfulness: Be present and aware of the situation. A good axe throwing game will rely on your ability to focus and concentrate on the game in order for you to be successful.

Techniques For Aiming And Controlling The Trajectory On An Axe

An axe thrower who is just starting out must have to learn the proper technique. This will help you to achieve better-throwing accuracy, and combining it with practice will make you a good thrower. Some of the basics you should consider:

  • Grip Properly: It is essential to grip the axe securely, but not too tight. A tighter grip will make it difficult for you to release the axe at the right time and you will end up missing your target.
  • Stable Stance: A stable standing position is crucial for achieving better throwing accuracy as it let you transform the force from your legs to the upper part of the body. Make sure you’re standing straight, stand shoulder-width apart with your weight evenly distributed to both feet.
  • Raise the Axe: Hold and raise the axe above the shoulder with both hands. Your dominant hand should be placed on the bottom of the handle while your other hand should be placed on top of the handle.
  • Aim & Shoulder Alignment: Choose a specific point on the target to aim for and ensure your shoulders must be lined up with the target, this will help you to aim your throws more accurately.
  • Use your Dominant Eye: To aim at the target, use your dominant eye. If you’re right-handed, use your right eye to aim and vice-versa.
  • Release Point: It is very crucial to figure out the right moment for releasing the axe with the correct force and angle. The right release will ensure the axe reaches and hits the target accurately. To be better at releasing, keep on practicing at different release points.
  • Follow-through: A follow-through is the motion of the body after you release the axe. A better follow-through will help you to maintain and control the balance, make sure you don’t move after releasing the axe and your eyes should be on the target.

The more you practice, the more you’ll learn to control the trajectory of your axe throws. These are the core techniques, which are the basis to be a good thrower.


In conclusion, the sport of axe throwing is not hard, as long as you practice regularly so that you can throw it properly. Besides practicing, a better understanding of the rules of the game is also necessary to ensure smooth gameplay.

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