Why is Axe Throwing Popular? 7 Key Reasons Of Hype

Axes are a well-known tool and weapon but did you know how axe throwing become so popular and become a sport? And what are the different reasons that everyone is crazy about it?

According to coach Mike Runner (A general manager of original dueling axes in Downtime Columbus), “Axe throwing is emerging and popular pastime sport around the country”. The root of axe-throwing is in Canada but it’s now become an international sport and growing in each city around the world from Bangkok to Sydney.

People love this thrilling and fast-paced sport that is quick to participate and additionally it helps you to reduce your stress.

There are several other reasons why is axe throwing popular is mentioned in this guide that you should need to read.

History And Origin Of Axe Throwing As A Sport

The history of axe-throwing is linked to the stone age era when axes are used in battles and hunting for food.

The German tribes Francisca which is also known as the Franks used different types of axes in the battles during the middle ages. Similarly, Algonquian tribes also use the Tomahawks(a type of axe) as a weapon. During that era, they practice axes as throwing for hunting, and with the passage of time, it introduces as an activity or sport.


When it comes to the history of axe throwing, there are several debates found that how and when it becomes a sport. The logger sports found its sport in 1940 however another discussion says that when the lumberjack started competitions that are held in 1980 and wanted to know who is the best in the camp.

However, the authentic and popular discussion says that the axe-throwing emerge in Toronto, Canada in 2011 when Matt Wilson organizes a league during nights in his backyard that contains the proper scoring system and rules. There are two matches on each night that attract the crowds which increases the popularity of axe throwing around the city. The league was also known as BATL(Backyard Axe Throwing League) organized by Matt Wilson.

After that, there are several federations established and until now the IATF(International Axe Throwing Federation) has more than 20,000 members around the world including 9+ countries and 150+ cities.

What Did Or Why Is Axe Throwing Popular?

The so much hype and popularity of axe throwing around people probably have some reasons that encountered the people to play the game.

Axe throwing is a great activity and fast-paced sport that is easy to play and more fun to play and enjoyable. Unlike any other sport that makes axe throwing popular, you can arrange friendly competition accessible to everyone inclusive of men and women moreover it could be a good add-up to reduce the stress from daily routine.

Following are some of the prominent reasons:

  • 1-Fast-paced: Axe throwing is faced-paced that doesn’t have much time, unlike other sports which take hours to finish a game. The game consists of 10 shots with two extra kill shots and there are 10 seconds of gap between each shot this amount of game-play time allows you to play more games in minimum time.
  • 2-Stress reliever: Do you become stressed from your daily routine and want to play such kind of activity that reduces your stress then axe throwing would be your good partner. During throwing the axe, the human body releases endorphin that helps to improve your mood.
  • 3-Easy to learn: Throwing an axe is a simple sport just like a dart that you hit on the target board. You just need an axe and some safety rules to play the game efficiently.
  • 4-Friendly sport to play: The sport is extremely enjoyable and allows you to play solo or in a group which all depends on you. A group of friends can organize a friendly game where they set a spot on the target board and when anyone in the group hit the spot or near may get the prize. 
  • 5-Quick to participate: While playing axe throwing, you don’t need special equipment and outfits to play just like any other sport and you can play whatever that could be casual outfits. However, picked a shirt that is not fitted or wear footwear that must be toe-covered. You can read what to wear axe throwing for further details.
  • 6-Accessible to everyone: This accessibility to everyone also makes axe throwing is also popular. There is inclusive of men and women and rarely divided into borders because of age, gender, or body size. There is a 45% ratio of women participating in the leagues of axe throwing which is a good amount.
  • 7-Beneficial for health: Besides stress relief, axe throwing can be a good exercise for your arm, core, shoulder, and back. The muscles of these parts are highly engaged while you hover the axe over your head and throw it toward the target board.

Leagues And Federations Of Today Axe Throwing

When axe throwing gets much hype, there are some federations and leagues established internationally and league organizers with rules and regulations to make the game more interesting and competitive.

After emerging of axe throwing as a sport, below mentioned federations, and leagues come into existence. 

  • WATL(World Axe Throwing League): 
  • IATF(International Axe Throwing Federation)
  • NATF(National Axe Throwing Federation)
  • BATL(Backyard Axe Throwing League)

Comparison Of Axe Throwing With Other Throwing And Traditional Sports:

There are several other sports that resemble axe throwing e.g. dart or knife throwing however each game has its own craze and taste of playing.

If we talk about axe throwing, the upper body including arms, shoulder, back, abs, legs, and core involved during throwing the axe compared to dart or knife throwing. You can get the maximum benefits of exercise that you hardly receive while doing workouts in the gym for an hour.

Axe throwing gives additional satisfaction and helps to reduce stress on a perfect shot as compared to other throwing sports. The sound it creates when it hits the target board is the most relaxing moment in axe throwing.

Throwing the axe can be played efficiently both indoors and outdoors compared to other throwing sports in terms of weather when it’s windy. Axe comparatively has more weight around 454 to 794 grams according to WATL whereas IATF weight ranges from 1020 to 1247 grams however dart weight lies between 18-26 grams whereas throwing knife weight ranges from 283 to 454. 

Future Of Axe Throwing

Based on different observations and reasons that attract people towards axe throwing clarify that there is no downside in the trend or dark future of axe throwing.

It needs to understand why there is hype or why axe throwing become popular obviously it has several reasons mentioned above and people are busier in their office of business and they want activities other than a normal routine that have shorter game-play time and are more thrilling and enjoyable.


If you’re curious about why there is so much hype and craze or why is axe throwing popular probably have a reason, the only way to try it yourself. Once, you play with your friends on weekend nights, you will notice all the reasons that attract people towards axe throwing.

Make sure to hear the expert staff and get basic instructions on rules and safety practices. Hope, you will enjoy the first game of axe throwing. Happy Axe throwing

Related Question

Matt Wilson invented axe throwing when he organized a backyard axe-throwing league.

13 years or above age group is allowed to play the axe throwing.

Axe throwing is full-body activity and satisfying sport which helps to release endorphins from the body to relieve stress.

No, both men and women play axe throwing and there is almost 45% ration of women participate in axe-throwing leagues.

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